Embr NPC Customization System

A few examples of the customization system.

A few examples of the customization system.

Embr NPC Customization System

I had the pleasure of concepting and building out the base Victim NPC characters for Embr from Muse Games. I was also in charge of collaborating with our engeneers to set up a blendshape system between the 7 base heads and 3 bodies so we could generate as many NPC characters as needed. The heads were divided into Jaw, Eye, Nose, and Eyebrow blendshapes. Additionally I made around 7 different Shirts and Pants that get stacked in the shader to boost character variety. This system allowed for a large veriety of characters to be generated in real time as well as allow room for future scalability if needed.

I worked close with the Art Director Warren Hwang in developing these concepts based on the final models for the Player Characters.
Cell Phone animation done by our animator Monica Stevenson! monicanimation.com